Core Curriculum

As the shared academic experience of all ÁùºÏ²Ê²Êͼ Mercy undergraduate students, the Core Curriculum is the signature element of a ÁùºÏ²Ê²Êͼ Mercy education. The Core serves as the foundation to the university's mission to "integrate the intellectual, spiritual, ethical and social development of our students."  

The  is provided to students through approved courses that incorporate outcomes designated for core knowledge areas or integrating themes.

The core curriculum is distributed among six knowledge areas (Communication Skills, Mathematical & Statistical Knowledge, Scientific Knowledge, Religious & Philosophical Knowledge, Essential Humanities, and Ethic & Social Responsibility) and six integrating themes (Reading, Writing, & Research; Critical Thinking; Cultural Diversity; Human Difference; Personal Spiritual Development; and Spirituality & Social Justice).

Knowledge areas consist of thirteen outcome areas mapped to thirteen courses (39 credits*). The six integrating themes are interwoven among core approved courses in the knowledge areas or within a student’s major, but may require additional credits.

Knowledge Areas

39 Credits*

Knowledge Area A: Communication Skills


A1: Oral Communication
A2: Written Communication

Knowledge Area B: Mathematical & Statistical Knowledge


B1: Quantitative & Symbolic Reasoning
B2: Statistical & and Probabilistic Reasoning

Knowledge Area C: Scientific Knowledge


C1: Physical Sciences
C2: Social Sciences

Knowledge Area D: Religious & Philosophical Knowledge


D1: Philosophical Knowledge
D2: Religious Knowledge
D3: PHL or RELS Elective